Slow Motion Animated Gif Bee

Slow Motion Animated Gif Bee

Here is our little bee in slow motion..

Animated Bee Gif Image

Animated Bee Gif Image

The worst Animated Gif on the Internet?

IBM X31 Laptop

IBM X31 Laptop

My trusted IBM X31. It's a very good and very small little laptop. The wireless power is excellent. These are cheap to buy these days and if your not crazy about having the latest technology then this is all you need.

Wedgwood Sherringham Amber Glass

Wedgwood Sherringham Amber Glass

A nice piece of Wedgwood. Sadly it has a little nik in the glass. Probably an air bubble that was close to the surface when it was made at the Wedgwood factory. I believe this glass is from the 1970's.

Mens Pulsar Y182-6B20 Chornograph Watch

Mens Pulsar Y182-6B20 Chornograph Watch

Very nice Pulsar watch. It has seen better days, but with a new battery and a little fix to the pin strap it would be a wearable watch. Made in Japan so a good quality watch. Pulsar watches are made by Seiko.


Mens Pulsar Y182-6B20 Chronograph Watch

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