
C-Scope-CS1MX-Metal-Detector. Good detector but my time is very limited these days, so it's hard to get out and play with it. And the issue with having permission to metal detect in the good places is a bit of a pain. I paid £150 for mine about two years ago, but for some reason since that time they have gone up in price to £180..

It's been many years since I wrote this post. This metal detector was sold a good while back and I haven't been metal detecting since. The "hobby" (if it ever was that) got put on the back burner. However, as time has gone on, and the interest for metal detecting has come back a little, mostly due to reading the local paper and seeing some people finding amazing hoards of treasure (gold coins, silver roman coins etc), it has sparked my interest in the hobby again.

I might buy another detector. A used model from eBay. Possibly an old Minelab or Tesoro. Or even an old Compass detector. A real classic golden oldie. I would also consider another C.Scope, even a  CS1MX at the right price. But, because I have already owned one before, I kind of want to try something different. We'll see what happens in terms of what pops up and presents itself when I happen to be looking / buying.

The only problem for me, and many other detectorists is where to detect. I always had this issue. Where can you go were you don't need permission to hunt. This is one of the main aspects of metal detecting that has always annoyed me. Anyway, we'll see what happens.

Compaq Evo N620c Laptop

Compaq Evo N620c Laptop. Seen better days but still works well.

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