Random Image Of The Day

A random image of the day. Walking along in the UK countryside, and I hit a dead end. Or, a main road where cars are driving very fast. I think its a 60mph road. Anyway snapped this image of a car, a Ford Focus, speeding (doing the speed limit) past. The camera's shutter speed was too slow to pick the car up in any great detail.


Previous: Roll On Autumn

What's happening: All the riots in America. I seen the video of the guy die, was very sad. Some people are saying he is still alive, it's all fake etc. But, if you know anything about chokes, you will know that when someone passes out, and the person, in this case with his knee, doesn't release the pressure on the neck for over 15 seconds + (in this case I believe he kept the pressure on for around 3 minutes after George Floyd had passed out), there's a good chance of serious injury and even death due to the starvation of oxygen to the brain. That "cop" should be arrested for murder. Colour shouldn't really come into this. The powers that be love it being about race, because it keeps people divided. Anyway, have a nice day.

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