Everything Is Anti-White

What the hell is going on. Everywhere you turn everything seems to be about race. The media are doing a good job turning people against each other. I can't believe the hypocrisy of black lives matter, the media and big corporations that are completely anti-white. It's like, it's okay to be racist as long as its against whites. I've seen a lot of racism over the last month, and almost none of it has come from the white community. It seems like black supremacy gets a pass, and its OK for them to be racist.




There is a huge agenda at play here. If you know anything about certain tribes that have a strangle hold over almost everything, including the media, film industry, Governments and Cyberspace, you will no doubt be aware of their hatred and evil plans to try and systematically eliminate the white race. This won't happen overnight, but there is a lot of evidence if you do your research that this is a real objective of these evil people. And that is what I think is happening here (just my opinion). Sadly, the people who are being used as pawns are totally blind to the fact that they are being played, used to carry out an agenda.

You really think the people at the top care about blacks and racism. Most people are blind to the fact that this "tribe" were largely behind the transatlantic slave trade. But they have done a good job of hiding this fact from the public as a whole, and certainly from the black community. Anyway, that's all I'll say on that for now.

Anti White is getting so ridiculous that L'Oréal have just announced they will be removing words like "whitening" from some of their products. LOL. I know, it sounds like a joke doesn't it. But it isn't! I mean, how ridiculous can this get. Maybe next the world will have to just remove the word "white" from everything all together. What colour is snow? Black? What about Rice? Pink? If this isn't racist against whites I don't know what is. Classic divide and conquer. This isn't anything new. I just wish people would wake up.

What have I been reading: Digital Art | Previous: Mayor of Minneapolis sobs

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