Man Shoots Rioter Trying To Drag Him From His Car

Do these "protestors" expect everyone they confront to do nothing and just let themselves get smashed to bits by an angry mob of misguided knuckleheads. Check out the first videos title. It's from a main stream media souce [Reuters].

"WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT - Man drives car into Seattle protesters, shoots bystander"

Do they even know what the word bystander means. Obviously they do but they are trying to spin the narrative in order to suggest the driver of the car drove at protestors for no reason and shot an "innocent bystander" lol. When in reality he did no such thing.

The driver was being attacked by a rioter and was about to be dragged from his vehicle and beaten up, or even killed. What would you have done. I would have done the same as what this guy did.

Watch the video below. Reuters have cut the video so it doesn't show the real story, but I will post a better angle video below the Reuters one to show you what really went down.

And Here it is from another angle
[From Bitchute]

Please excuse the girl(s) screaming in the background.

This incident was 100% self defense. What was the man meant to do, let himself get attacked by an angry mob of people.

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