Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested 2020

Ghislaine Maxwell has been arrested. Does anyone really think this investigation is going to go anywhere. She apparently has dirt, in the form of video copies, and possibly other evidence, of people in top positions of power. This evidence will not see the light of day. If it does I will be very surprised.

She is, so the media say, on suicide watch, just like Epstein was before he was found suicided. Is he really dead? I doubt it. The exact same thing is going to happen to Ghislaine Maxwell. Condition the masses by putting storys out that she is on suicide watch, then all of a sudden - she has commited suicide.. lol. Don't believe it for a second. The world is a stage, and the people who she has information on are, sadly above the law. Or so it seems.

Google is broken: Reading: Motion Speaker |Skin Red Tea

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