Gyms Set To Open Back Up UK

Are the mixed signals on purpose? On one hand there are reports of more outbreaks of Covid-19, and on the other hand the Government are giving the go-ahead for gyms to open back up within the next few weeks. Seems quite silly really.

Personally, I don't think the gyms will be as packed as some think they will be. I say this because the fear is still strong within many peoples minds. I'm seeing lots of people still wearing masks, and experiencing people diving out the way of me and others to avoid any close contact whatsoever.

The media does a good job of creating that fear, and while there are still outbreaks being reported, which there are for countries such as Australia, Germany, USA and UK, I don't see the public being able to fully relax and carry on as if everything is perfectly fine.

My own opinion is this whole thing has been blow out of proportion and is being used as a control mechanism to usher in a new "normal", where everyone will be monitored, watched 24/7 and controlled. All under the guise of "safety". The whole thing is a lie. And extremely evil.

What am I reading: Rooibos | Pubs

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