Job Scene Looks Bleak UK

Not sure why I see most people working and saying there's loads of jobs out there. When I'm looking I'm seeing that there's not many jobs out there. And the competition for the jobs that are out there is through the roof due to many people recently losing their jobs, being made redundant etc.

I can't really see things getting better. Everything seems quite bleak. Looks like many will have to take jobs they don't want to do. Night jobs are horrible. They mess up any normal routine and make a person not know whether they're coming or going.

Agencies are just a joke too. Apply for jobs, maybe go and register with the agency, if they actually get back to you, and you don't hear anything back at all. Really annoying.

Last resort - job seekers allowance or universal credit. Living the high life - living the dream... How much more depressing can you get.

Reading: Thermostat | Previous: Gyms

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