How's it going. I thought I'd post a quick picture. A close up of a ladybird that I took with a Canon IXUS 127 HS if I remember correctly. I can't stand people that hate nature. I've seen some people act like this: Anything, I'm mostly referring to insects. that enters their home, or even personal space, and all they want to do is kill it. What is wrong people, and why such a disrespect for nature. Is it an age thing?
I mean, yeah, a lot of people, including me, done things as a kid, like step on ants or kill a spider. But as you get older you mature, and hopefully come to your senses and gain more respect and admiration for nature. I wouldn't dare kill anything now intentionally. Only if it was going to get me, then I don't have much choice.
But I see even older people killing things. Is it out of fear, hate, disrespect, or have they just not evolved or grown mentally as people. Do they just despise insects and nature in general. I don't know. Anyway, I hope you like the image.
What Have I been reading:
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Holly |
not for me! someone else
What's happening: Crazy riots. Instigators (Antifa) are being attacked because people have had enough. A few people have died. A police chief, a rioter was shot dead by a man trying protect his bar, and a man was dragged to death by a Fed Ex lorry that rioters were trying to loot and get at the driver. I watched the full video footage, not very nice. The video comments showed no mercy, with many writing "I hope the lorry was not hurt", "serves him right", etc.
It's a tough one because they were trying to open the lorry door to get the driver, and were trying to take the parcels. There was a mob of people there, so of course the Fed Ex driver was scared of what would happen to him if they managed to get him out of the truck. So he drove off honking the horn. I don't believe he knew there was someone stuck under the back wheel. RIP to the man who lost his life.